Real Property Management Cairn

Tired of Maintaining Your Rental’s Lawn?

A healthy, green lawn can significantly improve your Lynchburg rental property’s curb appeal. But for single-family rental property owners, traditional lawn maintenance can often be a problem. Most tenants cannot be relied on to maintain the lawn to the standard that you like. Many tenants do not have any knowledge of lawn maintenance or may not want to put in the time and effort required.

Your other option is to do it yourself or hire professional landscapers, both of which cost time and money. If you want to be free of the struggle of lawn maintenance without getting rid of a green yard, you might want to consider planting clover. Here are some advantages of planting clover for single-family rental property owners.

Pros & Cons to Growing Clover

Unlike most lawn grasses, clover has many benefits that can help boost your rental’s landscaping and appearance. For one, clovers are plants that fix atmospheric nitrogen, which all plants need to grow. This means that planting clover will not just make your lawn a vivid green, it will also help nearby plants grow healthier.

With regular watering, clover usually stays greener longer than other grasses since they are drought-resistant. Clover, which is a natural weed and pest deterrent, also significantly reduces the need to spray for bugs or weed the lawn. Finally, clover is very low maintenance. You won’t have to do much mowing since it only grows to a few inches in height.

These benefits come with a few disadvantages as well. Clover is more prone to trampling than most grasses and can stain clothing. This could be a problem for yards that get a lot of use. Clover also doesn’t do very well in very dry climates, like those found in desert regions as they prefer soil that is kept somewhat moist. There are many types of clover to choose from, but you would benefit most from choosing one native to your area.

How to Plant

Clover is easy to plant and grow in many parts of the country. You can add clover to an existing grass lawn by raking the top layer of soil and then seeding right over the lawn. The clover will grow with the grass, enriching the soil and making the grass healthier. If you want to use clover as a groundcover instead, you’ll need to start with damp, cultivated soil.

Similar to what you would do for a lawn or wildflower garden, prepare the ground and then sow the clover seeds. Since clover grows quickly, you will soon enjoy your rich, green carpet of low-maintenance beauty.

Clover Types

Before planting clover in your rental property’s yard, it is best to pick the variety that best fits your soil and climate. The most common one used in lawns is Dutch white clover, which grows to about 4 – 6 inches. This clover also has pretty white flowers that show up from time to time. This variety has gained popularity because of its resistance to drought. It also doesn’t grow too tall, but the flowers bother some people and must be mowed every few weeks.

A variety that’s even easier to maintain is the micro-clover. Micro-clovers are smaller than other clovers, with leaves half the size. It rarely blooms and, with occasional mowing, doesn’t grow above 4 inches high. Micro-clovers have been around for some time and are quickly gaining popularity because they are low maintenance.

A micro-clover lawn only needs to be mowed once a month or so, compared to weekly with most grasses. It’s a good alternative for someone who wants to have easier lawn maintenance and improve their rental’s exterior appearance.


Would you like more ideas on how to reduce the maintenance of your rental property while maximizing curb appeal? Contact the local Lynchburg property management experts at 434-215-3028.